
Ninetta Sombart (born 2.5.1925 in Berlin, died 24.1.2019 in Arlesheim), the fifth daughter of Werner Sombart, Professor of National Economy and Sociology, was an anthroposophical painter of religious-esoteric works of art with a special colour technique. She first studied architecture and then devoted herself to painting. After the Second World War she lived temporarily in the USA, in Spring Valley, where she became acquainted with anthroposophy through David Edgar. She and her husband, Wilhelm (Bill) Bruckner, had given birth to a total of four children. In the USA she also met Ehrenfried Pfeiffer. When she returned to Europe, she first settled in Basel and then in Arlesheim. As an altarpiece painter for congregations of the “Christengemeinschaft” she also got to know the priest Volker Harlan.